I am a professional storyteller. My years of blogging experience, social media management, web design, and creative writing have helped me identify my three most essential services to my customers.

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Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing

I write about food, wellness, finance, and fashion. The subject I enjoy the most is people, the way we think, the choices we make, and the things we love. The stories we tell connect us. I enjoy listening to these stories and retelling them in my unique voice. I often inject humor and light into my work. I am not afraid to tackle the serious subject matter, but I usually look for a call to action or point of reflection that leads to hope.


Affectionately (I hope) named The Shredda, I have a reputation for ruthlessly cutting away at a piece until only the best parts are left. An editor is similar to a trainer. You hate them during the session, and you might be a little sore afterward, but you love the results if you keep working with them. I am always kind, but I'm not sentimental. If a beautiful masterpiece of a sentence doesn't serve your overall narrative, it's getting cut! By the way, it was my family who named me The Shredda. Sorry, Dad. The article has potential, but it needs work!

Branding Consultant

Everyone has something interesting to say, but most people don't know how to share their thoughts in a way that interests others. That's where I come in. I will listen to your story, find the hook, and help you to tell it in a way that improves the delivery but stays true to you. Whether you are a brand, a business, or a single brilliant mind with a great idea, I want to help you communicate with the world.